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  • Termakasih telah mengunjungi blog kami.. ^_^ Wassalam
    Posted by : DyZ Apr 17, 2013

    Synopsis > By MyAnimeList

    The Arcana Famiglia is a powerful organization that keeps the peace on the trading island of Regalo. The most unique trait of this prestigious "family" is their mastery of the Arcana - mystical powers derived from tarot cards. The current leader of the Arcana Famiglia, Mondo, wishes to choose a successor through a tournament called the Arcana Duello, and as added incentive, the winner will take the hand of Mondo's daughter, Felicita. However, two young men among the family - impetuous Liberta and serious-minded Nova - are more interested in protecting Felicita's freedom than letting her be someone's trophy wife. Together, Liberta, Nova and Felicita get to know each other better ... but with Felicita's ability to read minds, she may discover more than she bargained for in Liberta's violent past and Nova's troubled family history. Can the trio remain friends, or will the growing tension between them be too much to bear?

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