
Dengan ini kami nyatakan bahwa blog P-Fansub dibubarkan karena mengalami kendala yang tidak terhindarkan.... Dan kami selaku staff yang masih aktif membangun kembali team kami dengan blog baru, wajah baru, dan tentu saja Project baru yaitu >>
  • BiT
  • Termakasih telah mengunjungi blog kami.. ^_^ Wassalam
    Posted by : DyZ May 3, 2013

    Maaf gambar ambil dari tetangga sebelah >.<

    Download > Mediafire

    { 2 comments... read them below or Comment }

    1. lanjutannya kpn GAN? Ditunggu

    2. Hello
      We are the team Saint Seiya Brazil
      Affiliate - Affiliate Proposal
      I wonder if there is interest in the partnership for the dissemination of the petition back to Saint Seiya The lost canvas, worldwide fans have already signed.

      is the chance to internationalize your anime site or facebook page with the partnership.
      The very Shiori Teshirogi, manga creator supports the petition and wrote a note of thanks and support that can be read in
      official project blog.

      How will:

      For websites and blogs, put our banner on your site and put a banner in your and joined the various worldwide.

      For Facebook pages:
      Make a post a month or set a fixed posting the petition
      in exchange we will post a banner of your facebook page

      We will repay your support with visits to your website / facebook page

      contact in

      Sign the petition and bring the return of Saint Seiya The lost canvas, worldwide fans have already signed.
      Shiori Teshirogi in person wrote thank-you note and support the petition.
      join us


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